
Are bounty hunters real
Are bounty hunters real

are bounty hunters real

Together, they spend far more energy researching, travelling, and staking out the residences of their marks than they do during the arrest. Nearly every defendant they’ve processed has come quietly, and Dalman tells me the best tool in his arsenal is to treat each person he apprehends with respect. But the realities of how they do their job might deflate the world’s 14-year olds and cop aficionados. Dalman and Haynes, who are in a relationship and have been bounty hunting for five years, happily volunteer that they think their job is pretty cool.


Thanks to piles of vengeful cowboy fiction, the planet Mandalore, and the continued carceral mythology of Dog Chapman, the pop-culture image of a bounty hunter remains an above-the-law renegade with a license to kill. No guns, no tough-guy profanity, no rolling around on the floor - just a quick conversation and a dignified walk to the backseat of his car. Dalman tells me that his ideal bounty is wrapped up in five minutes, with as little excitement as possible.

are bounty hunters real

Dalman, who is ex-military and previously worked as a security professional, is the one who opens the door and escorts the fugitive off to prison. Haynes handles all the digital research: She runs names through a network of tracking data, allowing her to pin down the exact address where a bail-skipping defendant might be lying low, so they may collect the sum offered by a bondsman for their apprehension. 53-year old Jon Dalman and 28-year old Alex Haynes divide their bounty hunting labor according to their abilities.

Are bounty hunters real