All trash must be placed in the cart with the lid closed.
888 trash it drivers#
Please have your new carts placed at the curb by 7am on your collection day and place them at least 5-feet from any objects, such as a mailbox, trees, pole, or automobiles, at least 1-foot from the street, and 3-feet apart from recycling bin to allow for Casella’s drivers to effectively lift and empty the cart with their new automated trucks. All rubbish must be placed in the 65 gallon tote with black lid marked “trash”. If your trash is not picked up on your scheduled day please call 1-88. Snow cancellations will be announced on our website or call Casella at 1-88. Please reference the town's website - main page or call the DPW office 97 for snowstorm delay or cancellation of curbside pickup. If the collection is canceled due to a snowstorm, your pick-up MAY take place on the next day. Please reference the calendar which is printed on the Trash and Recycling Information flyer that is mailed to each residence for the holiday schedule collection. If your scheduled pick-up day falls on any of the following holidays New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day the collection MAY take place on the next day. Please put out all trash and recyclables out to the street between 6AM and 7AM on the day of your collection. We encourage you to participate in curbside recycling and visit the Wachusett Watershed Regional Recyling Center in West Boylston.

Recycling reduces the amount of trash that must be brought to transfer stations and landfills and directly lowers the cost to the town. We service approximately 2700 households each week. The Town of Sterling provides curbside trash pickup and curbside recycling for all residential households with Municipal Trash Collection through our contractor Casella. Visit this link for Casella's tips on recycling . Visit this link to search for items you can and cannot put in your recycle bins . Frequently Asked Questions When Switching to Automated Trash and Recycling